By Dan Kanemitsu



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    I worked really hard on this project.  I can't thank ADV enough for letting me translate a series as popular in Japan as Nadesico.
    And such a peculiar work this piece is.  I've watched many series and films in the past, but I can't recall a drama that was orientated around viewer participation to the degree that this one was.  Recently, the trend among drama shows have been to be perplexingly difficult to comprehend, making Nadesico stand out as a show that does not rely on confusion to entice the audience.
    When I was translating Nadesico, I tried my best to relay into English the numerous minute cultural icons and concepts in the original material.  Unlike independent self-contained worlds like Princess Mononoke or Pokemon, I felt that Nadesico was a show where its worldview was firmly rooted in the contemporary Japanese animation culture.  I tried to keep this in mind as I translated Nadesico.  In my mind, for better or for worse, the very "Japanese anime-ness" that it radiates is what makes Nadesico so attractive.  I also felt that this was a work where the creators were quite self-conscious of how it's material was going to be received by it's audience.  Even while the translation was meant for an English audience, I put my trust on an audience that was acquainted with that "Japanese anime-ness" as I went about translating the numerous in-jokes and obscure references.  Unfortunately, not all of this might be reflected in the final English product (you can stuff only so much in 22 minutes,) but I hope that this attitude toward translating Nadesico will shine through, and if the viewers can catch a glimpse of effort, then that's more than I could ask for.
    One of the purposes of this article is to present to you some of the material that was prepared in the translation, but could not be offered to the viewers because of constraints that accompany a commercially released translation.

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